Technical Requirements Engineer: Aug. 2005 - Feb. 2016
Directly out of high school in 2005, I started working as an engineer for Activision / Blizzard. This place gave a lot of opportunities to be able to work on many AAA projects from Doom 3, Call of Duty, Destiny, Guitar Hero, and so much more. I also had the opportunity to work on licensing projects from Dreamwroks, MGM, and Marvel. Here I was involved with what is called the certification process. A process that all titles need to go through and a set of guidelines and rules that the title need to abide by to be allowed on cert platforms like Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo.
Communicate with daytime counterparts of what issues cropped up and what to keep an eye out for.
Log new and potential issues that can cause issue during certification submission.
Scrub through online forums for new and potential issues.
Help create testing cases for new titles that came our way.
Write persuasive waivers to give reason as to why a title doesn't need to adhere to a certification rule.
Be able to train new hires
Provided support to the studio heads when needed
Provide problem solving skills and work-around solution for bad builds.
Collaborate with other engineers to integrate fixes.
Create feedback loops to ensure communication is getting accrosed to all departments.
Write end of shift reports highlighting high priority issues that were found, and a general wrap of the days issues.
Transfer and receive highly classified data
Engage with daily meeting among leads